woensdag, september 29, 2004

Outdoor pets.

Daughter darling will turn six in a couple of weeks. That's a milestone of course and has to be celebrated. Problem is I'm kinda short in cash, but well, what else is new. The good thing is she allready has a bike, so that part of the big gifs is covered. Next in line seems to be a pet.

Since she also allready has some fish, due to my mistake when I went shopping for my puppy some years ago and asked 'would you like...' (a sentence never to be used around kids) and she lives most of her days with dear daddy and not with me and I refuse to take care of hamsters, rats and guinny pigs, I thought I was spared from buying her any pet at all. The house has two cats roaming around it, so that should be enough.

That was before she discovered reptiles. Her fondness of dinosaurs was clear to me for some years but thank god they're extinct. Way to big anyway for this flat. But then there was this reptile zoo in town. Small, but cosy, and, most importantly, free of charge. Well, for anyone with a 'Delftpas' but we fortunately own some. Two floors and some hundred glass cages filled with small crocodiles, lizards, spiders, scorpions and of course: snakes. Lots and lots of snakes. And more, adoptable snakes.

It seems to be possible to pay a certain amount of money to the reptile zoo SOS foundation and by doing so adopting one of their creatures. 25 euro's for a small snake or a turtle, 1000 for a python or crocodile. We took home some flyers and visited the website. And little Lyka kept on talking and talking and talking. Her favorite by far was the 'Lampropeltis Getulus', in dutch it's called a koningsslang (king snake). Of course the most favorite about the snake was the name. (if you're almost six and a girl who loves fairytales and pink princesses)

So now we have adopted a grey/red/black/white snake with stripes. Probably a she, but we don't know that yet for sure. Lyka's name will be shown on the board near the snake as 'adoption parent'. She even thought of a name for her snake.


But what is to be expected, she named her fish loelie and boebie...