vrijdag, oktober 29, 2004


Having a new obsession is not at all bad. A Mac a day keeps the doctor away they say. I should not worry for watching too much, as long as I still keep on doing the things that I do.

So waking up and feeling utter joy 'cos Kazaa's got me another episode is totally within limits.
To bad everyone neglected to mension that there were ants in this particulair one. Lots and lots of ants! I hate ants! I utterly dispise ants! They tickle, they itch, they crawl, they make me shiver and tremble even when I see them on tv. And no one, not even the MacGyver mailingslist (Hello! What I'm I a member for anyway?!) , nor that extra big episode guide I've got printed, could tell me that?!

Ants... Horrbile... I'm never gonna watch another show...

(of course, in the end, the episode guide did say there were ants. Right there, where I overlooked it from the start: 'army of killer ants'...)

vrijdag, oktober 15, 2004

Need for space.

I just drove 900 kilometers in a little over twelve hours. From my home to somewhere in Germany to get some 'alone time'. Too bad I discovered there that I was a little too alone. So I went home again. Now my back hurts like hell and I'm even more broke then I allready was.

I am not at all impulsive...

maandag, oktober 04, 2004

It shall not...

Another friend in the IT business had a spare computer. One that I can buy for hundred euro's. That is, if I could install the by myself so wanted (cos of the failing netweork between Win98 and WinXP) Windows XP on it. Of course I could do that. Who needs manuals and tutors? I can do this on my own. Two days and aching eyes later I search the net for installation guides. The damn thing won't copy half the files, wouldn't boot from cd, wouldn't make the boot disks. I've been on it again since nine this morning and finally got setup running.

To bad the written Licence Key makes no difference between 0's (zero) en O's (oooh)...

See you in 2006....