woensdag, november 23, 2005

Devilish things.

Friend J. to noone in particulair at the bar:

"I was at University the other day, were all the computers down. Everything. Couldn't log in, couldn't print, no nothing. Went a friend of me to I&A, you know, where they do the computer stuff. Know what they said?

'The server switch is posessed. We called in an exorcist, and he declared the switch officially dead. Now we have to install a new switch.'



Doing. Bump. Smash. Thud.
Turn around once more.
It cannot be morning yet, it is still dark outside. One more tiny itsibitsy tiny minu...RINGGGGGGG!!!
Second alarm clock.
Cold house, weary eyes.

I should but myself one of those coffeemakers with timers, and then one that does tea, so I don't have to wake up before I had ten minutes with a steaming hot cup of warmth.

vrijdag, november 18, 2005

Dive into.

Normally I do not watch movies. I prefer series, cos of my tendency to dive head first into the movie and stay in there and have trouble climbing out again.

Yesterday was a very boring day. So, out of lack for better use of my time, I decided that the time to dive into Middle Earth was there. In the posession of three extended DVD box sets, that would surely give me some destraction.

After two days, I have spent, pauzes and stops for tea, toilet and food included, over 16 hours in Middle Earth. So now it was surely time to come out and face the world again. Make some phonecalls, get some grocery's, pick up Lyka from school.


zaterdag, november 12, 2005

There should be laws...

It should not be permitted for ex boyfriends to start a relationship with your best friend.

Not at all. And it should be even more illegal when they have someone and you don't.

dinsdag, november 08, 2005

Running away.

The thought of going to the US, either for vacation of for good, has been my mind for some time now. But I never really thought that I'd go. Really emigrating would not really get me any further and for vacation it was just way too expensive.
But, off course, there is that slight borderline part.
So, two weeks ago, on a wednesday evening, I found myself on a train to Amsterdam Airport and the morning after on a plane to Minneapolis, Minnesota. Of course I had a wonderfull week. Felt alive for the first time since ages.

To bad that when you land again, your life is just the same old shit, there's a filled mailbox with bills waiting for you and all your inner issues are still there.

Wouldn't it be nice if I could have left them all back in Minnesota?